Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Last Friday I found myself with nothing to do...There was no pre-plans made. This is very unlikely for me. I always plan my days ahead.

When I was in school I remember that we all will be looking forward to our weekends. We would have this get to gathers every Friday where we watched moovies, played UNO or just hang out.
Mostly I remember how tink,sucks aesha and I went for our walks. We used to just walk around Male' aimlessly. We would sing these stupid songs, talk about everything and noting and just have a gr8 time.
There was this special place for us. Near Nasandhura there is this Neru place which is very peaceful and we used to go there a lot, more like every chance we get. We had so much fun there. But we stopped after we heard that is is not safe (Jinni type stories scared us). So we changed to our walking around Male' routine.
Somehow for some reason that I cant recall we stopped going for walks. Now I wonder why?
Any how things has changed alot since last year...I wish that it can still be like that. Cox I sure miss the good old days.


© ɐ ɯ ɐ s said...

hey u told everyone our gathering point =P

well one reason cud b that everyone got busy with there work schedules dho kaidhaa..

sucksex said...

i sure miss dose days like hell!!!

Anonymous said...

oh guys... take my word, its not worth... all work no play just isnt worth it!! take some time... maybe weekend... go out... hang arng like u used to... really u shud... hope u do..

iecco said...

hehe yeah finifenmaa is ryyyt

Aisha said...

Ya things really change sooo fast. ya miss the old days :(. But there are more happier days ahead. Inshaallah.

~ange|~ said...

reminds me of my early childhood days... bt hope u guys have merrier days.. tc

Aboo Layth said...

all good days...