Saturday, April 14, 2007


Tears fall down my face,

I just push them away,

And put on a smile,

Pretend that I'm okay.

I can't let anyone see me cry,

I've held it all in for years,

Can't let them know,

That I'm broken inside.

I act like I'm happy,

Like nothing is wrong,

If only they knew,

It was all a lie.

I'll just keep on smiling,

And maybe one day I will be happy,

But for now it's fake,

But it's all I can do.


Mrs. MoZ|LLa said...

that poem is so meaningful... resembles me in every point of view...

this is awesome work gal... :) really awesome.. keep it comin..

iecco said...

nice poem kaidha... hope one day u wud be happy... :)

Anonymous said...

nice one... but really, letting it out is better than putting a fake smile on your face! believe me..:D

shweetikle said...

dun wry..its not only you..there are several people who are out there just like you..insha allah, one day everythings gonna be fine =)